The highly anticipated GONY tournament is back! We are looking for more managers to take part in this but once we get enough managers, we will decide when fighter creation date is. PM Blaze King(135281) or put your name on the thread:
Age: 18 year old.
Weight: Light heavyweight (205lbs min.)
6 Gangs of 5 fighters = 30 fighters in total
1 Don per gang, the Don’s will be the 6 highest ranking managers who sign up.
Gangs will be chosen by DRAFT PICKS. The Don of each gang will take turns picking which managers they want on their gang in a snake draft style.
EVERYONE FIGHTS 5 TIMES – No sacking during the tournament.
Fight Picks:
The first round of fights will be picked at randomized by me.
Before each of the remaining 4 events the fighters who won their fights the fastest in the last event, gets to choose who they want to fight in the next event. I will put the fight pick order up on this thread after each event (don’t worry).
Best Gang:
The Gang with the best record at the end wins. If there is a tie, it comes down to how many individual wins the gang had throughout the tournament. If there is still a tie, the Don of the 2 winning gangs will face off to fight for the Gang’s victory.
Prize: $200,000 Dollars (40K each)
Best Fighter:
The Fighter with the best record. If there is a tie, the fighter with the most finishes wins. If there is still a tie, the fighter who spent the least amount of time in the cage wins.
Prize: $100,000
Will be decided after sign ups. Approx. 4-5 weeks training after creation, 3 weeks between fights.
Additional Prizes:
Loud Mouth: 50K to the best smack talker
Hitman: 10K to anyone who KO’s or Sub’s a Don
Nuthin but a G thang: 20K to the best gangster Avatar
Ironman: 20K to undefeated fighters
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