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GAMMA: Greatest managers of all time

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 Hello! I have done a stats update for the greatest GAMMA managers of all time. The way these rankings are done, is we give points based on your results in GAMMA, this includes the GAMMA affiliates, the way we score is:

4 Per win

2 Per draw

1 Per Loss

3 Per title fight/Super fight (Title fights in the affiliates do not count)

50 for HOF Fighters

We only rank managers who have won a GAMMA title and the list below only includes those who have 200+ ranking points.

Here is how the list looks now:

Whymer Van Mastodon (40116) 1527

Laz Staz (82447) 1248

Gale Hawthorne (22636) 1200

Alika Webb (62511) 917

Grumpy Bastard (102643) 866

Carlos Castenada (84794) 851

Gerbert Bryant (84742) 810

Dom Jaehnke (20196) 775

Bloody Gutz (3074) 769

Runt . (108617) 762

Bwang Jong Sr (91781) 750

Boondock The Destroyer (503) 695

Mike Hunt (39215) 624

Pawel Ufcowski (52087) 595

Marky Mark (22640) 568

Igor Psycho (6994) 522

David Brent (104382) 502

Kostas Tsaq (6108) + (113079) 485

Rodrigo Rojas (101547) 466

Face Kicker (2965) 448

Bobby Heyman (99756) 445

Randall McSweeny (14361) 437

Trippin Balls (104409) 412

Hunter Jones (38476) 385

Action Jackson (123097)  376

Grund McGrunderson (3341) 323

Paulie Walnuts (79001) 314

Jebba . (61031)   311

Thor HGH (24686) 307

Klatz Matz (46802) 307

Richard Davenport (10647) 303

John McGuirk (1306) 301

Andy McKenzie (101467) 289

Matt Cave (45538) 288

Gritty Smitty (1206) 286

Digga Dogman (91254) 275

Brad O'Neil 271

Power Shark (94407) 271

Seppo Koskinen (2820) 266

John Bravo (50889) 261

Doug Heffernan (10852) 260

Lance Templeton (889) 260

Ed Minasian (59992) 243

Central Park Wigan (27741) 238

John Coffey (93474) 233

Choose Life (3393) 229

Blake Phoenix (105403) 229

Pablo Spezziale (16996) 223

Frank Abbot (49418) 211

Jack Smith (7552) 201


The managers who climbed the rankings are the following:

Laz Staz (82447) Up 1 position!

Carlos Castenada (84794) Up 3 positions!

Runt . (108617) Up 2 positions!

Mike Hunt (39215) Up 1 position!

Kostas Tsaq (6108) + (113079) Up 4 positions!

Rodrigo Rojas (101547) Up 3 positions!

Randall McSweeny (14361) Up 2 positions!

Action Jackson (123097) Up 6 positions!

John Coffey (93474) New Entry!

Frank Abbot (49418) New Entry!


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