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Aleksander Lens Wins in his debut!

Event Review:

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 Ladies and Gentleman your winner Aleksander Lens!


Aleksander Lens had defeated Alexander Rogov, Lens defeated Rogov with a decisive win over Rogov!


Lens dominated the fight  all round achieving  a unaminous decision

Lens showcased his wrestling skills to dominate Rogov in the ground! Rogov opened up a cut in the head of Lens altough Lens was cut he still dominate the fight! with takedowns after takedowns Lens achieved the unaminous decision at the event of QFC in Montreal! The only fight in the event was truely good!


"It was an awesome fight I truely didn't believe that I won I even need my friend Buddy Garner to hook me in the chin"

Said the very excited fighter, Aleksander Lens


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