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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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Phillip Morningstar

Editorial by Ace Charles

Phillip Morningstar begins his quest to make a run into the professional ranks of MMA in his first professional bout tonight. He is hoping to place Germany on the map for fighting. "Growing up I remember the happiest times of my life being at Berlin's Oktoberfest. Beer, Brats, and Brawls were what my family seemed to live for. I was born into the fighting life, we are the lifestyle." The Light of Germany is represented by manager Ace Charles who continues to exapand his talented stable of fighters by signing a European phenom, "I just see the potential in him to do more than win fights. He can win fights in ways that makes non-fight fans smile. It doesn't matter where you come from, everyone loves someone who provides quality ass whoopings" said Charles. The Morningstar name is actually translated to Lucifer in German, "Only during a fight." is Phillip's response to if the name fits the translation. It remains to be seen if he can truly grow the fight game within Western Europe, but regardless of the outcome it should be very entertaining to watch.


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