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Terry Tungsten: Life after the party.

Fighter profile of Terry Tungsten by Jimmy Normal

Let it be known that Terry Tungsten doesn’t date fat chicks - anymore. His legendary Screech consumption has led to poor choices in women and he was the unfortunate victim of domestic abuse, at the hands of his 245lb lover.



Since then, Terry has gone dry and sobered  up in an effort to get his life back on track. This absolute darling of a man has taken up self defence classes at Rough House in Montreal, in an effort to protect himself from any form of attack. It is whispered that his sparring partners will first roll around in pork rinds to trigger memories of a love gone wrong and focus him on his quest to slay his demons. 


When Terry heard that LOL would be hosting an open weight tournament, he jumped at the chance to turn the tables and beat up on someone smaller than him…just to soothe his ego. Alas there has only beenh one sizeable weight difference in his first 3 fights, but boy did he smash that pip-squeak. In any event, the thrashing made him feel like a big man and regardless of the opponent he draws,  Terry is determined to take a stand in life…even if he goes down swinging. 


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