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Urban Fighter: The Alika Webb story

About Me: Alika Webb

The fifth of April 2016:


“Urban Fighter in New York now has a new owner and we're ready to continue the tradition of providing stylish clothing for great prizes. Feel free to stop by and pick up some fresh new clothes for your fighters.”


In 2016 Alika Webb saw an opportunity and took over Urban Fighter, a clothing company that has since become a staple.


Webb, who’d handled only a public gym before, didn’t know what he was getting himself into. He had a plan though, to turn Urban Fighter into the best clothing company the MMATycoon world had ever seen. The recipe for success? Quality clothes for a very affordable prize and a pit bull-like marketing mentality.


Webb struggled in the beginning, sending out sponsorship offers faster than his own shadow, way faster than he could ever hope to earn it back in sales. Literally losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in one week on sponsorships alone, all with the purpose to catapult his newly acquired brand to the top. At the time of this writing, it is the number two clothing company in the MMATycoon universe. It’s even made it to number one a couple of times since Alika took over the reins.


When Webb took over, Urban Fighter was already an established brand. It took dedication, hard work and a lot of patience Webb simply didn’t have at the time. But under the management of Alika Webb, with all its ups and downs over the years, Urban Fighter managed to fortify itself into a household name at the very top of the MMATycoon clothing business.


If your fighter needs new clothes, don’t be a fool. Shop at New York’s Urban Fighter and make him look cool.


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