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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Young Lions

Editorial by Thomas Forrester

   On November 11, 2021 in Helsinki’s Underground Arena at Friendly Warriors Fighting Championship 5 to of the youngest fighters in professional mixed martial arts are meeting in the cage. As Larry Lee (16-years-old) (0-0)and Murfum Orcarm (18-year-old) (1-0) will face off against each other. This fight will go a long way in hopefully changing the stigma against high school fighters moving to the pro level. Larry Lee a sophomore student at Las Vegas High School who is the Captain of the wrestling team has been waiting for this but state laws required him to wait till he was 16 to take a pro fight. He knows that Orcarm is bigger and older and already has a professional fight under his belt but doesn’t seemed worried, “Coach says, you can’t lose as long as you learn.” This will be a big step forward in my journey to be a champion.


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