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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Caged Dragons Weekly Ranking

Editorial by Jason Swanson

 Caged Dragons Rankings as of Nov 14 2021


*Rankings are based solely upon ranking in W/C, with One to Watch being a fighter we feel should be included as a contender despite rank. Please note these rankings do include QFC victories but initially a fighter must have at least one victory over another contender inside the Org to be eligible for a title shot, no exceptions. This may increase in the future to ensure our long term fighters get a fair chance at a title over new fighters in the Org. All titles are initially vacant and will be awarded after a title fight of 5 x 5minute rounds. Note: currently inactive managers will not have their fighters appear in the rankings, though FA's will with notation should anyone wish to pick up a contender.


Bantamweight 135lb

1. Antonio Tarver  6-0

2. Pertti Palo  3-0

3. Jack Goff  4-1

4. Simba Smith  3-1

5. Primo Runduski  2-1

One to Watch - Doug Fern  1-0

                        - David Sokovic  1-0

Featherweight 145lb

1. Jesus Valle  3-0

2. Joseph Gobels 2-0

3. Little Jimmy  5-0

4. Rafael Gomez Da Silva Jr  4-0

5. Zack Allen Jr  3-1-1

One to Watch - Oliver Smith  2-0

Lightweight 155lb

1. Job Biko  2-0

2. Eddie Cortez  2-0

3. Daniel Gallagher  3-1

4. Zy Meth  3-1

5. Nassir Bey  3-1

One to Watch - Brook Anderson  1-0

                        - Ruslan Zerkovski  1-0

Welterweight 170lb

1. Tyler Crowe  3-0

2. Tomahawk Mankiller  3-0 FA

3. Ben Jammin  5-0

4. Ismail Melikov  3-0

5. Jung Lee  3-1

One to Watch - Konsta Lehto  2-1 FA

Middleweight 185lb

1. Igor Kosmodemyanskaya  3-0

2. Dylon Taylor 3-0

3. Victor Cash  2-0

4. Dan Koloa  2-0

5. Dedrick Havoc 3-1

One to Watch - Antoine Milfort  2-1

Light Heavyweight 205lb

1. Kimbo Slice 3-0

2. Jed Chandler 2-0

3. Khalil Burnett 2-0

4. BJJ Ace  2-0

5. Dumitru Mazilu  2-0

One to Watch - Carvel Watkins  1-0

                        - Efraim Diveroli  1-0

                        - Freddy Schoenaerts  1-0

Heavyweight 265lb

1. Heino Vanhatalo  2-0

2. Alonzo Leandro  5-0

3. Kevin Condom  4-0

4. Emil Henrickson  2-0

5. Tenacity Tshabalala  3-0

One to Watch - Shawn Keller  3-1


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