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Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

The eternal wait.

Editorial by Eddie Grant


  Do you remember that feeling, when you first signed up, and you hit that QFC button, and you felt 2 days was an eternal wait?   If you ever go to VIP, and create a fight org, that 2 day wait, is going to feel like a f'n blessing.   I used to be a member here, but left due to real life, came back to the game, signed up, became a VIP and started my own org, Vegas Fight World.   Then what? I started negotiating contracts, signing up a lot of 0-0 and 1-0 and even 0-1 fighters.. then I had to wait for people to start accepting the contracts, and man, that felt like ages, then I had to repeat the whole process booking the first card, finding good matchups, thinking of a good title, the best date, not too soon, not too far away, but at the same time keeping in consideration, not my whole roster is complete yet, some of my fighters are booked in QFCs..   I created the card August 17th, the first show was 13 days later, August 30th.. I swear it's been the longest 10 days of my life, refreshing the page, sending out contracts, mail reminders, posting on the (quite dead) forum.. just 3 more days to go, man they are gonna go slow.   So, in conclusion, to avoid the eternal wait? I need to get a life.


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