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GAMMA: Power Shark to the HOF

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

I am proud to induct Power Shark (94407) into the GAMMA hall of fame. A real life MMA fighter and long time member of the GAMMA roster.

He seems to have recently retired from MMA Tycoon. At the moment he is ranked #38 among all GAMMA managers with a total of 271 ranking points.
His overall record in GAMMA is 45-41-1, with a total of 14 title fights and 2 super fights to his name.   
One of the most reliable members of the roster, his fighters were always among the top fighters in the division, without any of them making it all the way to the Hall of Fame. 
A top notch guy outside the game, popular in the forums.


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