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GAMMA: FON all time list

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 As many of you know, i am pretty crazy about my stats. In fact, we keep a full record of all our best managers and fighters of all time, which includes their all time wins/losses/title fights ect. 

Recently i made a full update of all the greatest fighters to compete in GAMMA (this is the current Hall of Fame fighters), to see which fighters have the most Fight of the Night (FON) awards!  
I have been giving FON awards based on the same formula since 2009: 
-The fighters needs to be in the top 3 most hyped fights (unless there is nobody in the top 3 fights with a KO/Sub, then i give to the winner of the next highest ranked fights). 
-Fight of the night award, i usually give to the highest rated fight in the top 3, unless they already received an award. 
-I never give 2 awards to the same fighter in the same fight.  
Based on this criteria, higher hyped fighters have an advantage, which means fighters who have more finishes. Bigger weight classes generally have more finishes on average.
These are the top 20 of all time! (Next to their name is their total FON awards).  
Renan St Juste (102580) 50
Raz Matazz (25622) 39
Gunnar Steigelmann (196145) 32
Lao Shin  (256055) 32
Farboleous Ricard (285507) 25
Jeremy Tonal (31632) 23
Fernando Prado (181926) 22
Jesse Custer (183716) - Jack Santoro 21
Arthur Curry (92326) 20
Jt Colossus (1688) 20
Thomas Bolleke (323315) 20
Gareth Keenan (272458) 19
Menace Defoe (268296) 19
Alan Bundy (21314) 19
Patrick Bateman (180187) 19
Jack Burton (17865) 18
Bubba Gumption (273905) 17
Rufus McTearson (186694) 17
Lukasz Wolek (255001) 17
Kenichi Shirahama (112324) 17
Ilya Mstislav Volkov (228159) 16
Cheez Itz (29886) 16
Renan is the top winner again. He is also the greatest GAMMA fighter.   
Raz moves up a spot to #2, having a long career generally helps :-) He got most of those awards early in his GAMMA career.   
Jeremy Tonal dropped down this list a lot, he is #2 all time but only 6th in this list. Mostly due to the opposite reason Raz is #2. His career was relatively shorter and he also had many fights outside of GAMMA and they ranked awards differently.   
Most of the other fighters are pretty consistent to their all time ranking, with exception of Patrick, Bubba, Kenichi and Cheez. These fighters are nowhere near the top 20 all time (most outside the top 30). All of them are HW or SHW fighters, which proves that like in real life, fans tend to draw more for bigger fighters.   
Either way, it was an interesting little addition to the GAMMA database. 


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