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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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Introducing Ryan "Iron Hands" Engle

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 Ryan Engle is a natural born warrior from  Salem, Indiana and the Twin brother of Rob Engle. At the age of 5 he began studying Tae Kwon Do and Boxing. By age 11 he was a black belt in TKD as well as an Indiana Golden Gloves boxer. Ryan was the winner of three gold Medals in the Junior Olympics in 1998 at the age of 12 as a Tae Kwon Do practioner. In his high school years ryan turned his attention to wrestling where he put together a pretty impressive record. As a senior he went 42-1

Seeing MMA become more consistent with the pay, he decided that it was worth his time at once to dedicate fully to MMA and skip the olympics. Maybe one day he'll join but as for now he wants to leave his name in the history books as a fighter.


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