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The Life of a Freak Show Fighter

Fighter profile of Konstantin The Russian Giant by Donovan Jimenez

The phrase "freak show fight" was here since the early days of MMA, these were very common when MMA first started due to the fact that promotions back then held little to no control over the weight or ability of a fighter causing unbalanced fights against guys with a three time weight difference. There are many inistances of fighters becoming famous due to their unique stature such as, Bob Sapp, Hong Man Choi, and Konstantin The Russian Giant who we are about to interview, before we get in to the interview, lets talk about the early life of Konstantin. Konstantin Purin born on January 15th 1996, was often excluded from actvities when he was younger due to his massive stature. When he was 18, he legally changed his surname to "The Russian Giant". He was working as a book writer for a while but a few days after his birthday he decided to get a professional MMA licenese and after losing his debut against Nikki Rickie (now 2-1), he was on a 5 fight win streak and even fought for the Honor FC 265+ belt against Xander Scott (now 5-1) but was unsuccessful. After a few wins and losses here we are now interviewing 7-4 Konstantin The Russian Giant.  "So, how are you?" says the interviewer, "alright i guess" relplies Konstantin. "Ok first question, why did you decide to do MMA?" The interviewer questions, "Mainly out of spite due to how i was treated in high school" Responds Konstantin. "Next Question, how did it feel to lose your debut fight?" The interviewer queried, "I felt disappointed in myself, i came all the way to the US for the fight and was booed by the crowd during my entrance." Returns Konstantin. "Ok final question, how did it feel to get your first title shot?" Questions the interviewer, "It felt amazing, sure it sucked that i lost but to be given a title shot i was thankful" Replies Konstantin. "Well thats it, the interview is over, any last words to the audience Kontsantin?" exclaims the interviewer, "No, i think i said enough" confidently says Konstantin.


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