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Interview with Euan Daxton

Fighter profile of Euan Daxton by Wayne Kerr

This coming weekend “The Nicest Guy in MMA”, will headline his second main event, this time for RISE against Muay Thai specialist Mike “Hairy Hunt”.  With Daxton having recently faced a number of changes in his professional career, including a new manager and a new org, I sat down with him and asked him about the realities of the lower rungs of MMA.


“Euan, you are headlining a second time in only your fourth professional fight, how does that feel?”  It was as if a look of confusion crossed his face, and righted itself, like a drunk tramp trying to navigate a staircase.

“It doesn’t really matter where you are in the card, it’s the same job after all.  I have to go in there and try and punch him more than he punches me,” replied Daxton, his scottish accent tinged with canadian vowels. 

“You are up against a more experienced foe in Hunt, and you are putting your unbeaten record on the line.  Are you feeling the heat?”

“No more than normal,” said Daxton, “Hunt is a quality fighter, I always enjoy watching him as he is a finisher and that makes for excitement.  It will be a real test and tell me exactly where I am at this point in time.”

“That is very magnanimous of you.”  He smiled at me and nodded.

“Look I’m not in this game to pretend I hate people I’ve never met.  That nonsense is for idiots.  This is a sport and it is about two competitors trying to find out who has the better skillset.  I think MMA has gotten so far away from that in some places it is becoming almost like the WWE.”

“I hear you have a new sponsor.”

“Yes, the fellas at Vegan Gains contacted me and will be sponsoring me for the near future.  To be honest when I first got the offer I thought they were Vegas Gains but that would have been something entirely different instead.  I have to be truthful here, they really do have some kick arse fucking potatoes.”

“Erm…  Right…  Good luck at the weekend.”

“Thanks mate,” said Daxton as he shook my hand vigorously.  As I watched him walk away the thought occurred to me that it really is hard to tell whether he is actually ‘The Nicest Guy in MMA,” or just someone that speaks honestly.  Either way it is refreshing to see in our sport.


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