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You are not You-Nick

The Huntington New Age Wellness Community , Clothing Company, Amsterdam
Company profile by Paul Huntington

 Being You and being YOU-NICK is overrated. It is a mantra spread by greedy corporations who only see you as a dollar sign. Conformity is the only true path to spiritual well-being. Was Ghandi YOU-NICK? No at the Huntington New Age Wellness Community we teach you that Ghandi was just a worker ant who did his part in this great ant hill called earth we all live on. His job was to serve the queen. Everyone does better when we all pull together in the same direction. One YOU NICK ant cannot do much. But a lot of ants can carry significantly more than their body weight. The whole is greater than the sun of it's parts. Forget being YOU NICK and come join us at The Huntington New Age Wellness Community for a free introductory reading of your aura. 


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