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GAMMA Surpasses 300 super fights!

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

GAMMA has always been the go to place in terms of Super Fights. The definition of a "super fight" is essentially a fight between 2 organizations. Usually it  is the champion of a particular division, however it could also be between 2 top level fighters. In more recent times the official definition is a fight between 2 organizations who are ranked in the top 100 and there is even an official "Super fight league" in the MMA Tycoon forum, where such fights are recorded.

Super fights became such a popular part of the game, that the game actually created a "loan feature", where an org can send a fighter for an X amount of fights (usually 1) to another org. This was done to protect the fighter from being poached on Free agency after the super fight was completed.
Booking or arranging a super fight is often a long and painful process. Lots of negotiations that usually need you to agree upon an exchange. Finding the appropriate exchange fights often takes time as well, some time orgs could owe you a fight for months. Negotiations could be tedious to say the least, but end of the day, super fights are vital parts of the game, because without them, we will never truly know who the best fighters in the game are. 
During our first year, GAMMA was a smaller organization , which basically avoided such fights. Our first fighter who decided to go on the super fight path was none other than Jeremy Tonal (31632). Jeremy went on to win the very first Millionaire tourney back in 2010, beating Zirry Swan, Jerry Millen, Earl Lee Swagger, Johnnie Stalker, Rolen Spliffs on to win the Tournament. He ended his career with a 17-3 super fight record (2 of those losses came in his last 3 fights). In terms of super fight history, Jeremy is our most successful fighter to this very day and most likely the most decorated super fighter in the whole game's history.   
Our overall all time super fight historical record stands at 187-114-4. Our winning % of 61.31% would rank 6th all time, if GAMMA was actually an alliance. Funny fact is that GAMMA actually has more super fights than one of those alliances above us has total fights :-)  
In terms of rivalries, GAMMA has had many memorable rivalries with other organizations. One of our longest rivalries was with GAMMA vs IMMA (later they were renamed to Evolution) our all time record against them stood at 22-7. We also had long term rivalries with GAMMA vs Nordic Fire Championship 9-3, GAMMA vs TTFC 13-10-0, GAMMA v Versus 9-4-0, GAMMA vs Aggressive Damage 12-4-1. Our all time worse winning % against an organization with at least 10 fights in total is GAMMA vs CEC 10-17-0.    
But our biggest rivalry is the one still going on to this day, which is against our old buddies Syn. They have changed their owners about a dozen times since 2009, but we still manage to arrange the odd super fight to this day. Our record against Syn stands at 21-26-2. 


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