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Will Brawler, The new generation!

Fighter profile of Will Brawler by Will Brawler

 Will Brawler (193935) was raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma and due to his Uncle being a fighter back in 2009, being successful in Tycoon then retiring, decided to train to be a fighter! After sparing and training with his Uncle learning some tricks of the trades, Will decided to enter the pro world. He decided to enter QFC 47: 185lb Tournament!

Will Brawler is a Featherweight, averaging +/- 121lbs out of LA. He took the tournament with No previous Tycoon training, in Helenski but still wanted to fight! He succeeded in the first 2 rounds until his 1st Career loss to Gerard Loomsville, who went on to win the tournament and weighs in at 185 lbs.

Will Brawler has recently joined 25 Hr Fitness in LA to train and has already popped 1 level after only 1 

What's next for Brawler? He has been in talks with Torment Los Angeles about doing short 1 fight contracts to allow for a true pound 4 pound fighter. That's right he will be fighting in any class between Featherweight to Middleweight and working up the ranks until he is the best P4P fighter in Tycoon. 

Will is still unsigned by any Sponsor but looking to get successful sponsorship soon, without it coming from Demonic Clothing, his managers company!

What will Brawler do next? Stay tuned to find out!



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