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300.F.C NEWS

300 FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Adel Sadeq

     ADEL 300.F.C. CEO : 


JOHN BAGGINS : Hallo everyone and welcome to your daily MMA CLASH news. I would like to introduce my guest today, 'ADEL ' the 300.F.C CEO himself, welcome

ADEL : Thanks man, happy to be here.

JOHN BAGGINS : How did you come up with an idea of starting a fighting organization or why did you start one?

ADEL : It's a hard question to answer but to me, i felt like it's something worth a try. 

JOHN BAGGINS : Worth a try!!! Ok, how do you fell about your decision and do you have any plans growing bigger like the Top one?

ADEL : Of cause every CEO has a plan. About decision and  growing, I will let the future answer that.

JOHN BAGGINS : What about the fighters signed, do you think you have the best fighters in the world?

ADEL : I don't think but am sure i have best fighters and upcoming champions signed in my Org. Did you see the last event fights? Those guys were there for a reason. I will proudly say i have best fighters signed in the world. I like this kids that get in the cage and give it all to the fans and that is what my signed fighters do. I can't even explain how good this fighters are but you can go look all my event fights and be the jugde. The fighters are great, i mean realy great............

JOHN BAGGINS : Yeah SURE! We will take a look on the fights. I heard you are in a loan situation and managing a convict that fought recently in your Org. at 205-lbs named Eeriki Salmi.

ADEL : Why? Hhhhow? John, stop this games! This is not what i came here for, you guys said the talk is about the company.

JOHN BAGGINS : The question it's about the company. Why would you let a convict fight in your Org? You too said that all your event fights are blood birth fights, does that means you mostly sign criminals and violence people?

ADEL : Ok, i see now where this is going. The guy did one fight and is signed by another organization, next question.

JOHN BAGGINS : Do you find yourself as a honest man or not?

ADEL : This is bullshit!!! i came here to talk about my Org. not my personal information. Tell me John, How many children do you have?


ADEL : Are you married?

JOHN BAGGINS : Mmmmm Mr. Adel...........

ADEL : Don't fucking Mr. Me man, you tried to mess with my reputation for your own benefits.........

JOHN BAGGINS : Noooooo........

ADEL : Where is the supervisor or the manager here?

JOHN BAGGINS : It's your daily MMA CLASH news and we will be back with our gues CEO of 300.F.C.

TRAILER : 300.F.C EVENT best and greatest fighter's to watch on 1st October, don't miss the action. BROUGHT TO YOU BY TYCOON-TIMES....

JOHN BAGGINS : We are back again with our guest CEO of 300.F.C and i am your host John Baggins. 

ADEL : Happy to be back.

JOHN BAGGINS : So did you have any idea about Eeriki Salmi personal inform when you signed him?

ADEL : Ok, this is it. Thank you everyone and mostly our 300.F.C Fans. I think we have reached the end of the story, I AM HERE TO TALK ABOUT 300.F.C not me or Eeeriki Salmi.

JOHN BAGGINS : Then i think this is enough for today, see you next week. JOHN BAGGINS AND IT'S YOUR DAILY MMA CLASH NEWS, BYE EVERYONE AND HAVE A GREAT DAY.



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