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The RISE of Kamara

Fighter profile of Tagnarach Kamara by Chris Karter

Tagnarach Kamara (6-0) is fresh off a dominating victory over Muenster Romano (8-2) enroute to capturing the RISE welterweight championship. It was a competitive fight that saw lots of hockey fighting as Romano was all to eager to get clinchy and hug it out, and Tagnarach was all too ready to "give him the business", as he eloquently put it during the post fight interview.



"I hockey fight with the best of em. If you get clinchy with me, I'll give you the business." Tagnarach blurted out following his victory.



For the better part of 5 rounds Tagnarach outworked, outscored, and outclassed the now ex-champion, using a beautiful display of dirty boxing and sneaking in some muay thai style knees to the body. Tagnarach was toying with him when he threw the body shots, making Bruce Lee like noises every time he threw. He clearly didn't respect his opponent.



"I taught these kids how to play ball in the big leagues. They get fat hype for me to eat.. It's top easy. He's a tuna can throwing strikes out there." Kamara scoffed. "You seen him running away and hugging it out. He was a frantic little jelly bean."



At the end of 5 rounds Kamara was announced the winner but a bloodied Romano and his meagerly shaped manager protested the decision. The fans in attendance were cheering loudly however after the title had been passed to the new King of welterweight. Kamara thanked them.



"I love the fans. Thank you. Somebody that Phil character though. yeah? fuckin' nonce. This was an easy UD."


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