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Golden Boy grinds to be the best

Fighter profile of Elrey Dorado by Chris Karter

When a hardcore MMA fan walks into Convicted Fight Club, they see a lot of familiar faces. From the coaches to the fighters, some of the best in the sport compete under this gym's roof and can be seen training here on any given day.



The current Fight Team consist of MMA stars Kilo Maluga, Mohammed Kahn, Jeronimo Puno, and Bong Ji Woo. It would be rude not to mention the world grappling champions Muhammad Jabbar, Abubakar Camara, Kurt Deisel. Black Belt Conor Larkin isn't a grappling champion but he recently won a silver medal at TWGC 37. Between the MMA and grappling champions training under one roof, it is no doubt the premier gym in the world.



It's no surprise that some attention was brought to the younger generation coming up under the Convicted Fight Club banner, and one of the fighters that was highlighted was "Golden Boy" Elrey Dorado (3-0). Elrey is a 184 cm welterweight fighter hailing from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. He was recently awarded his purple belt under BJJ legend Pluto Palhares, and the 20 year old fighter has shown an aptitude for grappling despite his kickboxing and muay thai roots.



Elrey is currently undefeated with a perfect 3-0 record and scheduled to face Canada's Shawn Gordon (3-4). The 25 year old Shawn Gordon holds a brown belt in BJJ but his striking leaves much to be desired having been stopped several times due to strikes. Elrey enters the fight as a heavy favorite.



"On the feet, I'll light him up." Elrey says with a smile and a thick South American accent. "However, if he takes it to the ground, I must respect my opponent. That is why I train with the best, every day."



The Bolivian fighter does indeed train with some of the very best grappling coaches MMA has to offer. Pluto Palhares, Abraham Donowitz, Kazuka Fuujin, Ben Stone. He sharpens his skillset with veterans of the sport who have made a career as coaches after retiring from active combat. Whether it's hammering away at defensive grappling with TWGC gold medalist Kazuka Fuujin or refining his submissions with Pluto Palhares, Elrey is busy in the gym every day working on holes in his game.



"If you want to be the best, you must train with the best. My coaches expect a lot from me. The names on these walls, Don Marciano, Taj al Din, Moses Diggs, Kajun Puno, and so many more, these are legends of the sport, and one day I want to be on the wall with them" He claims. "But you must earn it first. You take steps. It's like climbing stairs. My next step to greatness is crushing the next tuna can in front of me. I think his name is Shawn Gordon when he's not wearing a cape and calling himself The General."



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