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Next story: Valo vs Wagner

Fighter profile of Ville Valo by Amin Robert Helenius-Asikainen

Ville " Mörkö "Valo (388814) is called the next big one for reason. 


Ville just had amazing fight in Hardcore Fighting Championship 2.0. 

Event was HFC Fight Night 3 and opponent was Justin Mkenn. Ville won that match with Kimura! 


Ville's next fight is biggest match so far for Ville and his opponent Buck "Moose" Wagner (386151). 

Wagner is familiar guy in the ring. mma stats 2-1 and grappling stats are 1-3. This "Moose" belongs to the ring so he is going to be best possible opponent for Valo! 

Both fighters (Valo and Wagner) loves boxing so there is going to be lot of punches!


Stay tuned and take a look both of those fighters! 

Ville " Mörkö "Valo (388814)

Buck "Moose" Wagner (386151)



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