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Jason Voorhees Bio

Fighter profile of Jason Voorhees by Dale Saw

 He's a big, mean ugly guy who wears a hockey mask, likes using a machete to do his work, is tough to kill and is responsible for hundreds of deaths.

Jason Voorhees was born in 1946 to Pamela Sue Voorhees and Elias Voorhees. He was premature and entered the world at midnight on a Friday the 13th in December.

His mother thought he drowned in Crystal Lake at age 11. Jason survived and became a hermit, living in the woods and feeding off plants, bugs and animals. (Some claim he did drown but came back to life to avenge his mother's death). He grew to be a large, deformed and uneducated man who never said a word.

Jason's mother blamed irresponsible counselors for her son's death. She had killed two counselors in 1958, and the camp was closed. In 1979, long after Jason's alleged death, someone tried to open the camp again. Jason watched as his mother killed the counselors one by one.

Jason then saw one counselor behead his mother. The counselor took a canoe out into the lake; Jason came up from behind and pulled her into the lake to drown her, but she survived.

Later, Jason found her home and murdered her before returning to his shack in the woods surrounding Crystal Lake. Every time someone else tried to open the camp at Crystal Lake or wandered onto the land, Jason would slash, crush, impale, dismember or decapitate the intruders.

At first he wore a sack with eye holes over his head to hide his ugliness. Later he switched to a white hockey mask. 

Jason killed his sister, Diana, and used the corpse to be reborn. He then attempted to kill his niece, Jessica, and her child, Stephanie, to make sure he cannot be destroyed.

But Jessica Voorhees stabbed him with a special dagger and sent him straight to hell!

Escaping hell his soul possessed the body of a long lost Voorhees in Hilo. He takes over the boat and begins his killing streak once again, this time in the octagon. 


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