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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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Bondi x SYN Legends Collaboration now in stores near you!

Bondi MMA 🏝️, Nutrition Company, Rio de Janeiro
Company profile by Crazy Horse

We are pleased to announce the launch of a clothing collaboration between Bondi and top fighting organisation Synchronicity covering six carefully selected 'living legends' that represent some of the most famous faces to grace the cage in modern times.

Each champion has their own individual set containing both a top and bottom, so you can fully support your favourite legends every single walkout. The full list of available fighter sets will be available on the forums in the Synchronicity thread, but rest assured each of them are massive names.

In what is possibly a tycoon first, we are pleased to announce that these designs will be available across MULTIPLE storefronts. That's right! While they're available right here in our Bondi flagship store in Rio, they will also be distributed amongst other partnered stores including Phoenix in Montreal. Same designs, same quality, but now conveniently available across the world.

Go get yours now!


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