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LOM3 Week 1 Preview

Editorial by Tycoon Judas

 LOM 3 Week 1 Preview

The time has come, the fighters are ready, the coaches are ready. Are you ready? Week 1 of the anticipated League of Madness 3 tournament has arrived.

Week 1 Fight selections

Team Coach Gwad had the Hammer in his control for the first weeks Match selection, as the fighters arrive day one for training sessions. Coach Gwad was impressed enough with Jesse-James Hopson and Mike Magik's mat work as he looks took the two fighters away for a conversation privately. He quickly noticed some of the fighters like Hamzah Barnaby from Team Alfred who kept shotting at his sparring partners "Fuck you, stand and bang bro".This immediately made Gwad jot down on his handy dandy notepad.

Meanwhile Team Alfred coach Alfred Winterbottom was seen in a dark secluded corner teaching his big prospect Carlo Pedersoli how to stuff a takedown. 

After the Training session the Coaches and Fighters lined up for week 1 fight selections.

Team Gwad heads to the center of the cage to make his first fight selection at Bantamweight. He calls out to none other than "The Runt of Outlaws" JJ Hopson to represent Team Gwad at BW for week 1. Gwad than looks at Alfed for a brief second than announces Hopson will face Hamzah Barnaby in week 1.

The Ukraninan born Barnaby quickly jumped up and joined Gwad and Hopson at the center of the cage for an intense stare down.


    Jesse-James Hopson            Hamzah Barnaby

Fight Analysis

On paper this is a terrible matchup for Barnaby as he meets a pure wrestler with a great chin. Hamzah has a Boxing base but has been hitting the mats as of late with Team Alfreds wrestling coach Oil Check McGee. Hamzah unlike most of the participants has not had a single fight heading into the competition so gameplaying for him can be a bit tricky. Hopson the outlaw that he is will be looking do a little Oil checking of his own surely. I got a feeling this one goes a little longer than the big boy fight and may be quite the game of chess.


Next up, Coach Gwad has the mic again and he calls for his Private dancer Mike Majik to step up and represent the team at Super Heavyweight for Week 1. Mike does a little dance and starts his strut the center of the cage. Gwad than looks at the opposing coach one more time this time he smiles and continues to stare him down while announcing Majik's opponent. "Mike will face Carlo Pedersoli in week 1" he says. Pedersoli the prized pupil of Team Alfred head Coach Alfred Winterbottom stands up and starts pounding his hairy chest furiously as he heads for his stare down.

It was obvious that Coach Gwad was looking for weak links and he feels his fighters' wrestling credentials was the deciding factor. 


           Mike Magik                              Carlo Pedersoli

Fight Analysis

Mike Majik has outstanding grappling abilities but even more outstanding abs for a 285 pounder. Majik will look to test the Pedersoli early to see what he has got in the clinch? or will he just push forward and take a quick Takedown, or maybe it's all just a cover and Mike Majik is really going to throw bombs it is super heavyweight after all. Pedersoli is the son of Spaghetti Western legend Sergio Pedersoli and after whipping out a gang of Olive thieves he has turned to MMA for his career. Primarily a Kickboxer, Carlo may look to test his opponents chin early, but the possibility of the takedown will be weighing heavily on his mind.


Week 1 matchups were very thought out and the Weakness was simple look for one dimensional striker to expose. For me I love fighters who want to throw hands so I'm rooting for the underdogs here. The question is how much money was offered to Mike as a bounty reward for taking out Coach Alfreds very own fighter? Stay tuned week 2 is rapidly approaching.


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