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Jaimie Hopson Breaks the Curse!

Fighter profile of Jaimie Hopson by Jason Hopson

 The peoples most hated fighter who hails from the Burrow, Jaimie Hopson, is unfortunately the man who broke the Burrows championship curse. Making it 1 win and 5 losses when it comes to title fights.

after being asked how he feels, Jaime stated "I knew I was the best the burrow had, I'm also the best 185 pounder in my bracket. I'll dominate anyone. If striker wants a rematch I'll send him back to hospital... if Maurelli wants a shot, I'll stop his takedowns with an uppercut from hell... and if they pussy Gio De Rossi wants to fight me... well, actually he won't. He declines all fights against champions and just cherry picks his opponents, so I don't need to worry about that."

The Alpha Wolf Jaimie Hopson will wait in the sidelines for a week or 2 to let the division develop before facing the next rightful #1 contender, where he looks to make his first title defense.


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