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Highland: Resurrection(400k), Fight Organization, Los Angeles
Company profile by Thomas Forrester

 With the blood still wet on the mat at the Micro Area, reporters flocked to the post fight press conference to question the newest Champions. Thomas Forrester was all smiles as he introduced John McCoy as the inaugural lightweight champion and Bernard Edwards as the inaugural middleweight champion.

When talking about McCoy, Thomas said, “Look, John was putting people to sleep in the QFC and we anticipated that he would continue to bring that power to the KIFC. While he fought a game opponent in Karolj Kasap, his power and experience were just too much. Watching John throw elbows like a juiced-up Kenny Florian in his prime is a scary thing. It will be interesting to see who is next to fight John, he has yet to be taken out of the first round.”

Next Thomas talked about Bernard Edwards, who fought a tough as nails Batara Sari. Thomas said, “Look, Bernard did exactly what you need to do to a high level wrestler like Sari. You keep the fight on your feet and punish them every time they go for a takedown. I can see Sari growing from this and coming back to challenge for the belt in the near future. Now, Bernard needs to keep dropping bombs on people and he can be the champ for a while. He has an amazing management team who is a known producer of champions which will help.”

“All in all some amazing fights, very proud of our new champions, this was our fourth sold out fight in a row and we are looking to expand venues so more fans can see these amazing fights. I also wanted to mention that coming up at KIFC 6 on the 28th of Jan, we have two more championship fights as we look to crown our first Bantamweight champion and our first featherweight champion. See you next week and if your ready to fight, let us know.”


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