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GAMMA: Roar Horse HOF induction

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 Roar Horse (300196) was managed by Managed by Bear Stevenson. At his peak he reached #2 ranking in game and in 2020 was voted as the 265lbs+ fighter of the year. 

  He originally started out as a kickboxing fighter but converted to MMA. After a short stint on the indy scene, he joined our GAMMA contenders where he had a dominant run, going 5-1 and earning himself a promotion to the main roster.  
Eventually he ended up with a 18-8-0 record in GAMMA, with a total of 7 title fights. His total of 198 ranking points ranks him as the 26th greatest fighter of all time in GAMMA. He probably would of ranked higher, but Bear Stevenson went inactive at the time and Roar was eventually released.   
He had several major wins, his most notable ones were probably those over Sunray Spike, Evaristo Jesus, Thierry Paulin, Gorgon Zola, Andy Grabber, Hiro Manowaru, Franck Kodjia among others.  
This induction is the first for Bear Stevenson, moving him into the 44th all time GAMMA manager list.


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