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Lomax calls out Kilo, challenge accepted

Fighter profile of Vincent Lomax by Chris Karter

Vincent "The Golden One" Lomax (38-15-2) is the newly crowned SMASH Heavyweight champion after a dominant victory against Haise Sasaki (25-12-0) in a bout that saw him win the belt in the 2nd round via TKO.

  Lomax earned a KOTN bonus for his performance to go along with his new belt, and after his victory, he shot for the moon, calling out the #1 P4P fighter in the world, Kilo "Bloodbath" Maluga (55-12-0).

  "Kilo, I want a piece." Lomax stated, "I'll finish it by the end of the 1st round."

  Kilo and his camp promptly accepted the challenge after Lomax's callout circled airwaves and the twittersphere. He even added some crying face emoji's.

  "2-0 as a Heavyweight. Smeshed some tuna in the minor leagues and thinks he's ready for these problems." Kilo said, "He has the honor of being the first Light Heavyweight I crush in my career. I will break him. He hits hard, but his ego is fragile."

  Lomax didn't mince words when responding to Kilo's statement.

  "I haven't been properly finished in 5 years." Lomax claims, "I know I have the tools to beat this man. I'm out to prove he isn't as good as the world thinks he is."

  Reports indicate the confidence in Vincent Lomax's camp at Casa Steel is sky high, some of his teammates even claiming that Lomax will win this fight easily.

  History however would favor the current #1 P4P fighter who has finished some of the best fighters on the planet.

  "I love me some Vincent Lomax. I had the courtesy and good fortune of working with him at the SFL. He's a fighter's fighter. A good man, and very skilled on the feet." Chris Karter stated speaking highly of Lomax, "But The Golden One is getting a golden shower. That's all there is to it."

  Lomax laughed off his statement.

  "We'll see." He says with a smile, "He better bring his A game or I'm taking his top spot."



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