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Lamar Gordon to fight for 205lbs title!

Fighter profile of Lamar Gordon by Todd Westacott

Interviewer: Hi Lamar, it's great to have you here. First of all, congratulations on your recent victory in your last fight. How do you feel about your performance?
Lamar Gordon: Thank you. I feel good about my performance. It was a tough fight, but I was able to get the job done.
Interviewer: You have had quite a successful start to your career in MMA so far. What do you think has been the key to your success?
Lamar Gordon: I think my work ethic and my mental toughness have been the key to my success. I train harder than anyone else and I never give up, even when things get tough.
Interviewer: You have a bit of a past growing up in a rough neighbourhood. You get mixed up with some of the wrong people and have taken some criticism for that past. How do you respond to that criticism?
Lamar Gordon: I understand that I have made mistakes in the past. My father is preacher and always taught me to take full responsibility for my actions. I am working hard every day to be a better person and a better role model for my fans.
Interviewer: You are considered by many to be one of the up and comers in the sport with pound for pound potential. How does that make you feel?
Lamar Gordon: It's an honor to be considered as having pound for pound potential. But I don't let that get to my head. I know that I still have a lot of work to do and a lot of fights to win before I can truly even come close to realizing that potential.
Interviewer: What are your plans for the future? Are there any opponents that you are particularly interested in fighting?
Lamar Gordon: Right now, I am focused on taking things one fight at a time. I have a big fight coming up April 7th against Arman Brown for the MMA Helsinki title. My entire focus right now is dedicated to preparing for that fight and leaving the Hard Knocks Arena in Helsinki as the 205 pound champion. After that I will weigh my options to see what is next for me.
Interviewer: Well, we wish you all the best for your title fight. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today.


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