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GAMMA: Future plans

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

  Hello to everyone!

  GAMMA 1000 is around the door, as it our 14th birthday! Basically they are happening at the same time.  
I disucssed a few months ago, about the idea of creating fewer divisions similar to how World Vale Tudo Fight League have. https://www.mmatycoon.com/orgpublic.php?oid=6893  
They innitially started with just one open weight division, but now they run 3 divisions. They have had massive success with this concept and are currently one of the top 3 orgs in the game.   
I plan to follow the same formula, with some minor adjustments. These will be the divisions and weight limits:  
Lightweight - (minimum weight 145lbs, maximum 169lbs).  
Middleweight -  (minimum weight 170lbs, maximum 204lbs).  
  Heavyweight - (205lbs and higher)  
  The main differences with World Vale Tudo Fight League (WVT) is that they have a 205lbs division instead of 185lbs, and they have no minimum weight for their lightweight division, but essentially they are the same divisions, LW/MW/HW.     

  What changes will need to happen: From a contract stand point, all 145lbs fighters will be moving to 155lbs, all 170lbs are moving to 185lbs and all 205lbs are moving to 265+. It is very easy to move down or up if you want to. In particular for 205lbs, they only need to lose 1lbs to join the 185lbs division. For May we will run everything as usual. I will resend current contracts new deals in the near future.    

  In June we will "unify the belts" which basically means the 145lbs champ will case the 155lbs champ, the 170lbs champ will fight the 185lbs champ and 205lbs will fight the 265+ champ. We will then vacate the 145lbs/170lbs/205lbs titles.     

  Why is this done? I was never a massive fan of having lots of divisions. We have 2 divisions less now. GAMMA was one of the last major orgs to add 265+, 155, 145 and then 135lbs divisions. We ended up merging 265 with 265+ and dropping 135lbs. As i said, i was never a fan of the many divisions and here is why.      

Having lots of divisions basically means having a lot of "paper champs", what is the point in being the champ of a division which has 5-6 legit challengers? There will always just be 5-6 challengers at best, when you are running many divisions in the top level orgs and i am being very generous saying 5-6.    

  Some divisions are weaker than others and it also creates finding good matchups more difficult. Which means you often need to offer the same matchups within a few months.    

  I know there is this debate that lighter fighters have a "speed advantage", but that all depends on many other factors such as the matchup, style of fight, how good your chin is, the other fighters KO power etc.   
If we look at the results of WVT, there is no advantage for "lighter" fighters at all, in fact Alfred debated that he saw no clear difference and in some cases the Heavier fighters had an advantage, which is why he created 2x more divisions and went away from the openweight idea he had at the begining.     

  Legacy  As you know, i am crazy on the legacy part of this game. GAMMA has held 1000 events, so that is a lot of history. I have a very extensive database of the "greatest managers" and fighters and title reigns give additional points when comparing the all time greats. Specifically 4 points per title fight.  
Starting from June 2023, all title fights will be worth 6 points, instead of 4 as now there is 2x less divisions, so obviously a title fight is worth more than before.  
    Conclusion End of the day, you will never satisfy everyone, i know this. I generally think this will help spice things up, make things interesting. The game itself is obviously not at the old activity levels, so there is far fewer managers in general, especially top level fighters, so having fewer more compact divisions makes more sense.   
    If anything, i have been running this ship for 14 years, anything to make things interesting is a plus at this point, maybe this will spice things up and keep me going a few more years :-)


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