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KIFC Hall of Fame Induction

Highland: Resurrection(400k), Fight Organization, Los Angeles
Company profile by Thomas Forrester

 Managers and Fighters. Today we had two of our amazing fighters be the first to be inducted into the KIFC Hall of Fame.

Small Dayton who is a submission specialist that is currently 11-1. Who is the #1 P4P fighter on the Island, the #1 Bantamweight on the Island, and is currently undefeated in the KIFC.

And Darstknasset Oystenteller who is also a submission specialist with a KO to his credit. Darstknasset is 10-0, having never tasted defeat as of his entry into the Hall of Fame. He is the #2 P4P fighter and the #1 Island Lightweight, who is 6-0 in championship fights.

Both fighters are current champions and continue to be active in defending their belts and finding ways to tap out up and coming challengers. Both Small Dayton and Darstknasset Oystenteller defend their titles on the 26th of May at KIFC 72 on pay per view. 




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