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Fighter profile of Vasko Panchev by Victor Tanurski

The new Bulgarian legend Vasko "Dalgucha" (The tall one) Panchev has recently won a fight against Dwight "Assistant To The Regional" Shtute. That is a big win and achievement for Panchev because that was his first official fight and he managed to win it and set a new Bulgarian record. The 25 years old wrestler and boxer is happy with that win and his family is proud of him. His manager who always supported him from the very beginning is also very glad to celebrate this trophy. He is not surprised by that win because he has always believed in his fighters' potential. The manager Mr.Victor Tanurski is also a Bulgarian who is very intelligent and determined to raise the World MMA Trophy in Bulgaria's honour. The manager was interviewed and he said: "Yeah, I am very proud of my fighters. They are stronger than warriors and smarter than anyone. I have always believed in them and I still believe that one day we will win for Mother Bulgaria. I think everything is possible and the thing Vasko did on the mat just proves my thoughts. My manager skills and my fighters' determination and dedication will provide us a place in the top 20 and who knows maybe in the top 10." The press asked him how will they celebrate that event and what is their plan to provide the top 10 places then he said: "Hahah, how do you think we will celebrate? Nothing special. We will drink, dance and sing. Tomorrow we will start training 10 times more than today because the only way to achieve that great aim is to train, train, and again - you know - train." He thanks us for the interview and said "The next time when we win a bigger trophy, something more special and prestigious we will talk again but longer. I hope that day comes soon, till then I wish all of you - spectators, readers, fans, fathers.. - all the best! Thank you again and see you soon". The winner, the fighter himself Vasko Panchev refused to give an interview with the following statement: "I am sorry I won't give you an interview now. It's just that this win is not so big to talk so much about. I know it was my first fight and I won it but It's not a big accomplishment. I think my manager said everything and as he said to you we'll talk again soon." The next fight for Panchev is not confirmed yet. There are only rumors that his next fight will be bigger and more interesting. We will keep you updated with the information.

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