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Dean Holliday"s INY Rankings

Immortals New York , Fight Organization, New York
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Dean Holliday’s INY Rankings

If you're a new manager, a new fighter, just joining Immortals New York, or if you're a vet whose just really busy and haven't had a chance to keep up.  Here's what's going on in every division of our awesome f*cking org!!! Wev'e got more meat than Kim K's boyfriends put together, more guts than an episode of The Walking Dead, and more heart than that damn Hobbit character with The Precious! Strap in, grab a beer, and let's get this 747 off the ground!

We’ll start with the little guys ..the 135lbs’ers! The division is a newly created division here within INY, and the these fighters endure their first test at INY’s TUF Round 1,  scheduled for September 26th , here at the Underground IN New York, NY.   So far there are a lot of talkers, but we’ll see who has “the stones” come September 26th.  I’ll personally be watching Colt “Lone Gun” McLaren to see if he’s all warrior, or all walrus. Will  Puablo Escobar is gonna do a Mexican hat dance on McLaren’s head.

[b]145lbs Division[/b] – Current Champ (6-0) Nick Shields

#1 Chuck Norris (5-0) - Last fight, he defeats Mayweather by TKO (cut) moving him to the top spot!!!
#2 Shane Mayweather (4-1) - Solid #2 contender. Fights (5-2) Kevin Love next.
#3 Frank Gallagher (4-2) -  Has a loss to Mayweather  by decision at Challenger XIV, and a win over Ankutse
#4 Aadilou Ankutse (5-2) - Climbs a step, beating Jackson by decision but has a loss to Mayweather
#5 Jackson Jones (6-2) - 2 straight losses, 1st one to the champ, the latest by decision to Ankutse

Honorable Mention: Magaba, Kittens
Fights to watch: Mayweather VS Love , Ankutse VS Peterson, Magaba VS Norris


[b]155lbs Division[/b] - Onto the 155lbs Division..Vladimir Van Kirkland reigns as champ with a 10-2 record.

#1 Brian McGuire (5-1) - Has beat Smith, Nikitin, and went to a draw with Cade.
#2 Corey Smith (7-3) - Losses to Van Kirkland, McGuire…and Muang..still a solid contender on any night.
#3 Samuel Washington - (7-1) He’s here, now he needs to show us something.
#4 Aldous Huxley (7-1) - Has skill, but new to INY.  Maybe he should talk to Ray Cold (from Bellum, 0-2 in INY)?
#5 Wally Butcher (6-1) - 6 wins, but not against anyone in the top 5? Needs to impress.

Honorable Mention: Cantwell, Cade, and Nikiten
Fights to Watch: Van Kirkland VS McGuire, Bitcher VS Smith, Washington VS Pintor


[b]170lbs Division[/b]  - Tari Cuhna is the king at (7-1).

#1 Glen Wauler (6-1) - 6 straight wins, last 2 over St. Pierre and Hall
#2 John Monroe (7-1) - Wins over Davies, Hall, and Lee.  His only loss..is to the champ.
#3 Aziz Haz Ben  Ismail (3-1) – New from Heroic Mixed Martial Arts, former Champion..nice skills.
#4 Erik Bennett  (8-3) - Currently a FA (Free Agent) Needs to fight a Top 5 fighter to stay here.

The rest of the 170lbs pack is wide open and just waiting for someone to “step up”.
Honorable Mention: Lee, Ruslanov, Davies
Fights to Watch: Cuhna VS Wauler, Ismail VS Stewart


[b]185lbs Division[/b] -  Michael Melton Sr.  looks down from the top of the mountain at all he surveys with an (8-2) record.  Melton has fought for the title in this division 4 times now. 

#1 Charlie Myers (6-2) - Has beaten Fallon, and once owned the belt.  He wants it back asap!
#2 Archie Fallon  (8-2) - Won the rubber match over Melton, but lost the title to Myers so he’s in th eback seat.
#3 Bernhard Taylor (7-0) - Only fighter here who has no experience with  the top 5.  Oddly, he’s in the driver’s seat. A fan favorite, all eyes are on this guy!!!
#4 Dylan Beretta (5-0) - Coming along nicely. 
#5 Patrick Whales (5-0) - Las Vegas LTSD Champion w/ 2 title defenses).  Needs to have a good night against  a Top 5 fighter.

Honorable Mention Roofer, Koontz
Fights to watch: Taylor VS Beretta (HUGE)!!! Whales VS Rook, Fallon VS Koontz

[b]205lbs Division[/b] – Randy Tunrer!!!  Who IS this guy?  Probably the most under-rated INY champ today standing at the top of the pile at (8-0).

Matt Youngblood (11-2) – From New Age Fighting Montreal, 2 time Champion with 6 title defenses. Nuff said.
Dean Sutherland ( 7-1) – From Throw Down Fight Club
Derick Smith (6-1) – Has beaten Jackson, Kryuchkov, and Rua.

Honorable Mention: Castrella, Oliva, Jackson, Ventura, Turd, Uesugi,  and Logan
Fights To Watch: Youngblood VS Castrella, Turd VS Logan

[b]265lbs Division[/b] – The ultimate INY has to offer..the living legend, the War Room General,  the Hall of Famer, Derric Styles (13-0).

#1 Vyacheslav Kalashnikov (8-2) – Only relevant loss was to Styles.  Fans are begging to see Kally vs Frazier!!!!
#2 Joe Frazier( 6-1) – Had a mis-step against Sparks who all but disappeared.  Frazier vs Kally is inevitable!!!
#3 Soham Roy (6-0) – Perfect, but untested vs Top 5 fighters.  Any of the honorable mentions would be a good fight for Roy
#4 Yuri Lebedev (6-4) – 3 losses to the Champ 2 of them title fights. Frazier or Roy would be a great career booster.

Honorable Mention:  Anderson, Van Kirkland, Devin Styles, Fujiata
Fights to Watch: Styles VS Kalashnikov,  Roy VS Fujiata

[b]265lbs Plus Division[/b] – Ravil Lebedev (5-0)

#1 Boris Chazinski (6-1) – Lebedev cannot claim to be the best, until he fights Chazinski.
#2 Anderson Fontes (5-1)
#3 Bruce Hoo Lee Sheet (4-1) – Has beaten Kar giving him a Top 5 spot
#4 Sudipta Kar (5-1)

Honorable Mention: King, Brown, Smith (all 1 win away from a Top 5 spot)
Fights to Watch:  Lebedev VS Chazinski (HUGE)!!!  Fontes VS Brown

I'm Dean Holliday, that's the way I see it, time for a German beer (in Germany) with Mark f*cking Cuban. Hope he's over last season!!  When I get back, I'll see YOU at the fights!


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