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How to Fight.......

Editorial by

Cage fighting is a martial arts sport that has come to be synonymous with mixed martial arts, although mixed martial arts can be fought in any type of arena.


The cage in this case refers to the high metal wire enclosure that surrounds the fighting platform.

Practitioners of the sport typically come from many different disciplines, and cage fighting techniques usually involve everything from boxing to kicking to wrestling holds and take down maneuvers, and in some cases, even street fighting techniques.

It is one of the most brutal and physically demanding combat sports around today, and the potential to suffer a permanent injury or even to be killed in the ring is ever present.

There are three distinct phases to combat in cage fighting. These are stand-up, clinch and ground. Each of them requires entirely different sets of skills, and most combatants typically excel in only one or two of these.

There are fighters however, who have worked to develop their skills to an extraordinarily high level in all phases.

These are the most dangerous fighters of all, and for them it doesn’t matter what stage of the game they are in: they will find a way to turn it to their advantage.

A fighter who is versed in only one or two styles on the other hand, may focus all of his or her efforts in the cage into getting their opponent to “fight their game”, so to speak.

The best cage fighters in the world are equally strong in all disciplines, although they may have one or two that they favor or specialize in.

It is common for fighter who are lacking in one area to strive to develop cage fighting techniques in other areas as well, in order to become a more well rounded fighter.

A thorough grounding in the various cage fighting techniques can be of tremendous use not only in the competitive arena, but in the real world as well.

When faced with a real world life-threatening situation, these techniques can actually spell the difference between you walking away from the situation or being carried away.


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