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Global Warming Melts the Finns at DMMA 214

Event Review: DMMA 214 Gora vs Mfer
Dynasty MMA
2023-07-16, London, Wombley Arena
Attendance:93,607, Event Rating:710
Author:Crazy Horse

In a stroke of coincidence, the recently concluded DMMA 214 had a total of five Finnish fighters on the card. This included Finns in the top four fights of the main card including the main event where Pate Mfer tried his best to dethrone champion Borowa Gora. Five fearsome Finns representing a proud nation that has always punched above its weight in MMATycoon.

Incredibly, all five Finns were unable to find a win. With the fight taking place in the northern hemisphere currently in Summer, the Finns were unable to cope with the recent news that the Earth had experienced a string of days that had warmest average temperature days all over.

There have been no comments yet from the Finnish camps on whether they would request fights only taking place in the hemispheres where it is currently winter. Awkwardly this currently rules out all three locations in the Tycoon universe with the largest stadiums, though there are a number of Sydney cards coming up in DMMA that may enable them to fight in a location undergoing winter. Just don't let them google the average temperatures because 'winter' in Sydney is generally far from fearsome, and our brave Finns might need to bring the air con.



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