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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

End of fighter poverty?

Editorial by Mac Little

In an attempt to end widespread poverty among MMA fighters a social welfare program has been launched to provide all fighters in the sport with 84K $ each. Proponents of the program are pointing out that all fighters need to plan ahead and set the money aside for their retirement, Bahamas is not cheap.

Critics on the other hand are saying no amount of helicopter money will help fighters avoiding the so called "clothes scam". This one has been going on for years but still fighters fall for it in droves, especially as they are getting closer to retirement. It has nothing to do with scamming them out of their clothes, rather into. The fighter is approached with an offer to invest in MMA branded clothing or sometimes nutritional supplements that are promised to be the next big thing. They spend their savings to buy a huge supply, but reselling it always turns out to be impossible.

It remains to be seen what this will do for the cauliflower-eared population of Bahamas, or for the exchange value of the Tycoon dollar for that matter.


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