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Mike disappointed at loss: “Might need a change of scenery

Fighter profile of Killer Mike by Fireballer 34

At last weeks HRL:9, the main event was a rematch of the island tournament finals, with Hrvoje Kovecevic facing Killer Mike in the main event. Much like their first fight, Kovecevic knocked out Mike in the second round. After the fight, Mike was understandably frustrated, saying "If I could just hold on longer, I could have won." Mike did do better than his first fight with Kovecevic, as he was knocked out first round in the original bout. Mike usually knocks out his opponents, but has been known to occasionally get a decision victory as he almost always dominates on the scorecards. He admitted later that Hrvoje is an incredible fighter. "I will try to win the next one against him, but if I can't, I might need a change of scenery." His manager agreed, saying "I think Mike could benefit from moving to a restricted ID org once his contract is up where he will no doubt crush the competition."


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