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Manager Profile: Christopher Allan

About Me: Christopher Allan

Manager Overview:

Christopher Allan is a VIP manager in the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) management. With a record of 16 wins, 11 losses, and 0 no contests, he has proven himself to be a capable manager in the industry. Christopher's managerial style focuses on developing well-rounded fighters who can excel in various aspects of the sport.
Manager Stats:
- Total Record: 16-11-0 (0 NCs)
- Win Percentage: 59.26%
- Notable Wins: 12 (T)KOs, 4 Decisions
- Notable Losses: 5 (T)KOs, 3 Submissions, 3 Decisions
Hometown and Location:
Christopher Allan hails from Glasgow, United Kingdom, and is currently based in Las Vegas. His presence in both the UK and the fighting capital of the world showcases his global reach and influence in the MMA scene.
Christopher is a member of the "LEGION OF DOOM" alliance, which suggests that he is part of a group of like-minded managers who collaborate and support each other in their endeavors.
Bank Balance:
With a bank balance of $48,629.61, Christopher Allan demonstrates financial stability and the ability to invest in his fighters' training, equipment, and promotional activities.
Top Fighter:
Chris Allan, one of Christopher's fighters, stands out as a top performer in his stable. With a record of 2 wins and 1 loss, Chris Allan competes in the middleweight division (185 lbs) and has shown potential with his striking ability, securing victories through knockouts.
Recent Events:
Christopher Allan has been actively involved in the MMA scene, celebrating birthdays of his fighters and making strategic moves to enhance his managerial portfolio. He recently purchased a private jet, indicating his commitment to providing his fighters with top-notch resources and travel convenience.
Managerial Achievements:
- Top 10 Ranked (Category - Intermediate)
- Top 10 Ranked (Category - Rookie)
- #1 Ranked City (Category - Rookie)
- #2 Ranked City (Category - Intermediate)
- Pyramid League Division 6 Winner
- Top 10 Ranked Month City (Category - Rookie)
- Article Published in Tycoon Times
- Pyramid League Division 7 Winner
- Won 10 Week Fantasy MMA Tycoon
- Completed New User Guide
Manager Quote:
"Scammers Beware I'm coming!" - Christopher Allan's quote reflects his determination to protect his fighters' interests and his commitment to maintaining integrity in the MMA management industry.
Overall, Christopher Allan is an experienced manager with a solid track record and a diverse roster of fighters. His strategic decision-making, financial stability, and dedication to his fighters' success make him a respected figure in the MMA management world.Alliance:
Christopher is a member of the "LEGION OF DOOM" alliance, which suggests that he is part of a group of like-minded managers who collaborate and support each other in their endeavors.
Bank Balance:
With a bank balance of $48,629.61, Christopher Allan demonstrates financial stability and the ability to invest in his fighters' training, equipment, and promotional activities.
Top Fighter:
Chris Allan, one of Christopher's fighters, stands out as a top performer in his stable. With a record of 2 wins and 1 loss, Chris Allan competes in the middleweight division (185 lbs) and has shown potential with his striking ability, securing victories through knockouts.
Recent Events:
Christopher Allan has been actively involved in the MMA scene, celebrating birthdays of his fighters and making strategic moves to enhance his managerial portfolio. He recently purchased a private jet, indicating his commitment to providing his fighters with top-notch resources and travel convenience.
Managerial Achievements:
- Top 10 Ranked (Category - Intermediate)
- Top 10 Ranked (Category - Rookie)
- #1 Ranked City (Category - Rookie)
- #2 Ranked City (Category - Intermediate)
- Pyramid League Division 6 Winner
- Top 10 Ranked Month City (Category - Rookie)
- Article Published in Tycoon Times
- Pyramid League Division 7 Winner
- Won 10 Week Fantasy MMA Tycoon
- Completed New User Guide
Manager Quote:
"Scammers Beware I'm coming!" - Christopher Allan's quote reflects his determination to protect his fighters' interests and his commitment to maintaining integrity in the MMA management industry.
Overall, Christopher Allan is an experienced manager with a solid track record and a diverse roster of fighters. His strategic decision-making, financial stability, and dedication to his fighters' success make him a respected figure in the MMA management world.


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