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Slumping fighter hints at move to 380k org

Fighter profile of Bantam Rooster by Fireballer 34

 When Bantam Rooster was 24 years old, he was sacked by his second manager. He considered his career so far. He was a thriving Bellicise prospect before losing 3 fights in a row, and cycling through 3 different managers. He still had hope for his career though. New manager Sixty Nine got him a contract at Smash, a top 10 fighting org. He won his first fight there, but dropped his next three against two contenders for the title, one who currently is the champion of Smash. The next was a much older and more experienced fighter who Bantam then had to face twice in a row! As if one loss was not enough. He now looks to seek redemption against Jaro Lalla, a 42 year old vet who Bantam hopes is washed, because if he isn't, this older competition might start to get to him. Rumors are already circulating that Bantams manager is talking to rocket, the owner of the newly established 380k+ org, Apex Fighting Championships. There, he would face fighters around the same age and skill level as him, and he may dominate the same way he did at Bellicose back in the day.


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