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Savage Rising Star - Artemis Entreri - Vol. 1

Fighter profile of Artemis Entreri by Outlaw Bleak

 "The Assassin" has looked great in his last two bouts, finishing both of his opponents in the first round.  This is nothing new to Entreri, but the money is better than what he's used to.  In the past 4 years, he's unofficially KO'd 17 opponents, 3 in the same night, and all quick enough to escape the boys in blue who showed up to sort out the mess.  But with that behind him, he's focused on the next man up.  

His next opponent will not be an easy fight.  This man is trained and managed by a great team and to underestimate him would be dangerous, to say the least.  While Artemis has a mean streak, he must keep his composure and not allow himself to be rattled in the cage.  His opponent, Thuta, has appeared in two title fights to date, and while going 0-1-1 in those fights, it takes a hell of a fighter to be in the position to earn that shot.  And on a 3 fight win streak, Thuta is definitely looking for another one.

I spoke to Artemis about this fight and he had the following to say...

Artemis "Man, this is going to be a brawl!  Did you see that dude's KO over Vitalk?  Sick ass spinning backfist.  I'm gonna have to try that some time.  The dude is for real, 3 in a row is hard to do.  And when I win this fight and make it 3 in a row myself, you can bet your ass I'll be looking forward at that gold strap sooner rather than later."

Well, guess you have your answer.  He's confident, maybe overly so.  But a win here will give him a leg to stand on as being the Savage that he is.  


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