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Miss Miracle gushes over fighter she thinks is #1 P4P animal

Fighter profile of Ryoto Takahashi by Chris Karter

Miss Miracle is no stranger to hype. The longtime MMA commentator and podcasting star famously brought fans in to the (short lived) “Andrei Kersikov” after Combate 199  and let everyone know that the best version of Mohammed Kahn was “back” after his TKO win over Adams Menday. But that doesn’t mean that all her calls are wild hyperbole.

After all, just because the woman was there for the meteoric rise and fall of Alex K, it doesn’t mean she wasn’t also there for the glory days of Fidel Puno, Pekka Toivonen, or Orlando Diggs. And now, she’s playing witness to another seemingly surefire future MMA legend.

Miss Miracle still feels Ryoto Takahashi is the P4P best

Ryoto Takahashi’s rise to champion didn’t come with a mountain of trash talk. He wasn’t an overnight sensation or ‘the next big thing’. The former TWGC veteran and Jiu-Jitsu black belt entered the WVT with a respectable 20-8 MMA record.

Despite being a former SMASH champion and a two-time contender for the SYN lightweight title, it was really only around the time of his victory over Eduardo Corassa that fans started to think Takahashi might really have what it takes to be a top p4p contender. Since capturing the World Vale Tudo lightweight championship, his success has painted a far clearer picture of a world class talent head and shoulders above most of his peers.

Takahashi is 10-0 since winning gold against Corassa at WVT 101, pushing his overall record to 30-8. Fresh off a dominant decision victory over Svalbard Haudegen (17-3) at WVT 161, it’s the kind of resume that has Miss Miracle saying that Takahashi is still the best fighter in the world today.


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