Impressed with the attention gained by their last feature of Daniel, independent Japanese martial arts magazine Budo+
reached out to him once more and even put the young star on their front cover. The following is an interview betweenand the magazine's lead sports writer.
Q: We're now only four days away from the biggest fight of your life so far, for Championship gold. What final preparations are you making and what have you focused on for this training camp?
A: Obviously I'm not gonna spill all the secrets of my camp but we've been working on getting me into the best shape possible. So we've kept sparring to a minimum and focussed on improving what I already do best.
Q: You had some passionate things to say about your fight the last time we reached out, stating that you'd beat [this] man on the feet ands crack [his] chin in savage fashion. Was that a spur of the moment declaration, or do you actually plan on chasing the knockout?
A: The only thing I plan on chasing is my favourite idol group across the country, ahead of their 2023 autumn tour. I can't wait to see Hikaru-chan with her new hair. She suits it so well! Oh but forget about that, we're talking about the fight aren't we? Well, Genko will deliver his chin to me on a silver platter, and me, being the savage that I am, will oblige and send that man's head into the stands. If you're in attendance and manage to catch his ugly mug, I'll even sign it for ya.
Q: You sound far more confident than ever before despite your next fight being against the division's best, the Champion. He rides a four fight win streak having lost barely a round during this time. Where is this confidence of yours coming from?
A: I have the heart of a savage, and a special brain, and the best teammates I could ask for. The stuff my head coach Kitano-sensei puts me through makes fight night feel like a picnic in comparison. There's nothing Genko can do to me that I haven't already experienced in Shibuya.
Q: Final question. You mentioned before that life for you changed after being accepted onto the Savage Scholarship Program. Where do you see yourself once the program ends?
A: Champion, with one or two title defences and a beautiful idol girlfriend by my side. I will be the face of Savage Fightwear forever and always. Some of the other guys have potential but we all know who the real Hype Boy is. It's me, by the way. I'm the Hype Boy. I'm special.
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