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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

The Blood Bath

Event Preview: The Blood Bath D1
MMAL Fight League
2023-11-22, Los Angeles, Wild Bob's Bar - Los Angeles
Author:Caden Lee

 We are hosting an open ID and open weight tournament.

Every one is aloud. 64 people max. There is a $100 entry fee that goes to the prize pool. 70% to the winner. 30% to second. This will go by divisions of weight, when you sign up, and ability of fighter. The prize pool starts at $5,000. We will also take donations for the prize pool. The winner and second will get a t-shirt saying where they placed and the tournament/organization name. You will also win the title if you win. The whole fight will be scored.

Want to join then contact me at : 143967

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