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GAMMA: Historical Rankings

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 I have recently spent some time to update the GAMMA historical page. More specifically, now you can get a "live" update of the greatest fighters and managers in the organization's history. This means that i update the page as soon as a new fighter or manager is added, there is a separate document with tables and calculations ranking each fighter and manager.

Here is the link to the history page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18u4iZ7ssA5uWSlD8KAUcXBdMsML0TbBU19V0J0VYkf0/edit
I have also made some adjustments to the formula for ranking fighters. This is how the formula looked before:
Old System
Highest rank - #1 60
Highest rank - #2 45
Highest rank - #3 30
Highest rank - #4 24
Highest rank - #5 20
Highest rank - #6 17
Highest rank - #7 14
Highest rank - #8 12
Highest rank - #9 11
Highest rank - #10 10
GAMMA Fighter of the year = 60
2nd place = 45
3rd place = 30
Tycoon Fighter of the year = 60
Tycoon Division Fighter of the year = 60
This is how the formula looks now:
New System
Highest rank - #1 100
Highest rank - #2 90
Highest rank - #3 80
Highest rank - #4 70
Highest rank - #5 60
Highest rank - #6 50
Highest rank - #7 45
Highest rank - #8 40
Highest rank - #9 35
Highest rank - #10 30
GAMMA Fighter of the year = 100
2nd place = 75
3rd place = 60
In short, i have totally removed the in game awards (because they are basically defunt now and very biased) and instead enhanced the in game top 10 rankings (which is based upon a formula) and the GAMMA awards (which is also based on a formula). 
This is how the top rankings for fighters looks now:
I think the new system is more accurate and fair.


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