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Solomon Holland

Fighter profile of Solomon Holland by

Ladies and Gentlemen I have a treat for you today HMMA fighter Solomon Holland has stopped by for an interview with this seksi guy named…me. 

Wilson:  Solomon I just wanted to say thank you for stopping buy before your big fight welcome to the studio.

Solomon: No problem Wilson thank you for having me here to do this so the fans can learn a little more about me.

Wilson:  Solomon tell me about yourself, what division you fight in,  your record the basics.

Solomon:  ok yea for those of you who don’t know im a 25 year old fighter from Groningen, the Netherlands,  I fight in the HMMA middleweight division, im 190 cm tall and walk around at 193 lbs so I don’t cut a lot of weight for fights. I am a well rounded fighter I don’t train in one discipline more then the other,  I am currently undefeated 2-0, and 1-0 in HMMA.   My next fight is Friday the 14th of September and im expecting everyone to attend and watch.

Wilson: Thank you Solomon for giving us a little information about you there,  tell me how and why you got into MMA.

Solomon:  Oh boy I was kinda hoping I wouldn’t have to tell this story.  I started training martial arts after i got attacked by a huge dog and had no idea how to defend myself.   I continued to train even after the course how one should defend in case of a dog attack. Im  now fully focused on my MMA career and  pursuing a successful career.  I won my first Quick Fighting Championship match via triangle choke and signed a deal with HMMA afterwards, where I also won my first fight via triangle choke. I n a funny story me and my long time girlfriend with whom I am engaged to , have two big sized dogs. We live in Amsterdam where I train, at Prime Martial Arts sometimes the dogs come and train with me if anyone wants to stop by and check it out.

Wilson:  HAHAHAHA that’s some funny stuff there very interesting story you started training to fend of doggy attacks.  BEWARE OF POODLE!....I’m going to be stopping by Prime martial Arts and see you train with the dogs. 

I have heard a lot of good things about you from fans, can you tell me about your interaction with the fans, do you respect them like them, how they feel about you?  Are you as nice as they seem to think?

Solomon:  Well not to tout my own horn but Solomon Holland definitely is a good guy. Its no act  I hold what you might call traditional values, I do not like to lie, I am  genuine and will be straight up with people. I also believe in a persons right to live as a human being. The fans therefor conceive me as a nice character who does not only think about himself. I also always remember to take the time for my awesome fans when they approach me for an autograph or a picture, or life advice. 

Wilson:  Yeah you are a class act im glad its not an act there are not to many people around who actually care about others and  take the time to meet and greet the fans who put the $$ in our pockets.  

You mentioned life advice what do you mean by that?

Solomon:  Oh well you know some fans come up to me and ask what they should do in this and that situation, some come up and ask about getting into MMA and things of that sort.  One thing I do for the people is teach MMA classes to several groups of people whose lives are in need of some assistance.  The groups range from normal people who want to get into the sport, to mentally challenged people looking to have fun, to people who have gotten into some trouble and need an outlet.  It’s a lot of fun and very rewarding. 

Wilson:  WOW that’s awesome man im glad to have guys like you fighting in my organization.    Tell me for a minute about the upcoming fight you have, what are your thoughts?

Solomon:  Upcoming fight with Mac Lombard is gonna be a tough one. Lombard is on a 4 fight win streak with 2 wins coming inside HMMA. Has finished 3 of those fights. On the ground I think it's a very close fight, but I should hold the advantage in the standup. I've been training hard in every aspect of the game and I feel very confident that we will come up with a good gameplan to counter Lombard.

Wilson:  Thank you, you are right Lombard is a tough SOB, its going to be a great fight I cant wait to see it, what is next for you after this fight is all said and done?

Solomon: First I need to win againt Lombard. After that we will have a look at my next opponent. If I were to win I'd like to keep fighting guys in my "skill category", keep training hard and see if I can work my way up to title contention.

Wilson:  That’s fantastic im glad you have aspirations to one day have the title around your waist.  Hopefully one day you will meet your dreams…..Well Solomon that’s all I have for the day is there anything else you would like to say?

Solomon:   Thanks to all of the fans for their support and HMMA for the chance to compete in their organization. 

Wilson: No Solomon thank you and good luck in your upcoming fight!



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