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EVQ says Combate LHW division similar to circus

Fighter profile of Erasmo Vale Queiroz by Chris Karter

The upper echelon of Combate’s light heavyweight division is a bit hectic right now, and Erasmo Vale Queiroz feels that, being smack-dab in the middle of it.

Ahead of his potential main event bout at C313, Queiroz (23-3 MMA, 6-1 Combate) admits the matchup vs. Hiroshima Nagasaki (22-10 MMA, 1-1 Combate) didn’t enthuse him when offered. However, with all of the other contenders matched up, it’s just what the state of the division had available.
What’s at stake, though, beyond a bounce-back fight from injury? Queiroz isn’t sure. With Rich Mahogany coming off a win, Swole Ricky Martin likely to face a pair of DMMA contenders yet, and a matchup between Gunnar Gunnarsson and Shaun Gonzalez impending, Queiroz doesn’t know what the future holds beyond the event at Combate de Cima in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
“It’s a circus out there,” Queiroz told the Tycoon Times on Wednesday. “… Swole Ricky defending his Dynasty MMA belt. Rich Mahogany has a good point when it comes to fighting for the belt. I think Sean deserves that match more than Gunnarsson or Gonzalez deserves the matchup. But we all know why they’re doing it. Like I said, it’s a circus out there. Queue the clown music. Bring in the crowds with their peanuts and their popcorn, so they can have a good time. But I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m not really spending too much time or energy thinking about what can happen. All I know is I’m going to be here, in shape, ready to whoop some ass. Whatever happens, wherever the chips may fall, I’ll be there to pick up the winnings. Because the world knows that there's nobody more deserving of a title shot than myself.”

Erasmo certainly makes a good point for himself. In his short stint of Combate he's been nothing less than brilliant prior to having his 6 fight win streak snapped by a juiced up Swole Ricky Martin.

“So I took this fight, and I’m going to go in there and have another great performance, potentially a record-breaking performance, potentially another Fight of the Night or Knockout of the Night, and keep marching forward toward that title because that’s the whole goal. I’m going to keep whooping these guys until there’s nobody else to whoop, and they have no choice to put that champ in front of me.”
Regardless of opponent, Queiroz is chomping at the bit for a fight. He tore his right MCL in his fight against Swole Ricky Martin and subsequently had surgery. The recovery went smoothly, according to his camp and manager Chuck W.
“I’m ready to go and get my hands on this man,” the Brazilian said with a smile. “It would be perfect to my store to avenge my loss and get my belt back. I’m ready to get back in there and get back to work, put the work in and get back to what I started in my last fight: more pressure, more intensity, more output. We’ll see if he can last 421 strikes. I’m going in there and putting it on him. I’m going to do it even better than last time.”


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