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Baby Thibbs leaves interviewer speechless with Trump joke

Fighter profile of Dakota Thibodeaux Jr. by Chris Karter

Dakota "Baby Thibs" Thibodeaux Jr. jokingly claimed that Donald Trump called him the N-word after his most recent interview with the Tycoon Times. The 29-year-old Light heavyweight fighter is set to face 50-fight veteran Kwame Nti on C313 at the Combate de Cima arena in Rio de Janeiro.

During his interview with Miss Tycoon, the light heavyweight fighter stepped away from that big bootied heffer and shared a few words with the former president while celebrating his most recent contract extension with the Combate organization. Baby Thibbs and Trump could be seen shaking hands and laughing during their encounter.
Following his encounter with the former commander-and-chief, Baby Thibbs was asked what Trump could have possibly said to him during their exchange. The product of Thib's Sweat Shoppe laughed as he claimed that Trump had called him the N-word and that he gave him a pass to say it.
Speaking to the Tycoon Times, Thibodeaux Jr. said. "I just told him 'What's up, Mr. President,' and he was like 'What's up my -----,'" he replied while laughing. Baby Thibbs took the interviewer by surprise as she joked back: "Trump, did not say that!" as the two saw the funny side of the fighter's comments.
"So it was good. Trump, if you ever wanna say that, you can say that," Baby Thibbs added, looking at the camera. "I give you the black card right here, right now my boy. I hear you hire a lot of black people as it is anyway. Shoutout to Trump."
Despite all the fake news and controvesy surrounding the MAGA figurehead, Trump is a regular at Combate events and receives a rousing reception every time he walks into the venue ahead of the main card. He's usually sitting cageside next to Chris Karter and an entourage of big booty latina bitches in scantily clad clothing.

Baby Thibbs finished the interview by saying: "All I need in my life are some big booty bitches. After I beat Kwame Nti, I'm gonna say what's up to (Trump and Karter). Pass some hoes my way, 'cause there's plenty of Thibbs to go around."


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