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Event Review: HFA 3
🐢 Honu Fight Arts 🐢
2024-06-08, Hilo, Hayashi's Lounge - Hilo
Attendance:1,185, Event Rating:67
Author:Da Jumba

 Helloooo. Sorry for taking so long with this review. I actually managed to DELETE the orgininal draft by mistake, so that was super fun lolol. HFA 4 review is in the works. Also big thank u to Saúl Benavidez for pitching in on the HFA 5 poster !

Running this org has been amazing and I am looking forward to the future ! THANKS GUYS !

LINK TO FORUM THREAD: https://forums.mmatycoon.com/index.php?/topic/80305-honu-fight-arts-official-smack-talk-thread/



Chuck Knuckles Def. Caden Lang via TKO(Strikes) RD 1 0:36 - Heavyweight Bout


Our MAAAAAAAAIN EVEEEEENT had the promise of a slugfest. Muay Thai vs Boxing styles. Chuck Knuckles made his HFA debut after steamrolling through his QFC opponents with swift KOs with the aid of his heavy hands and granite chin. Caden Lang stepped up to the challenge in hopes of propelling himself to the top of the heavyweight division. When the fight started, Knuckles took where he left off, rushing in and mixing up headshots and body strikes that cut and seemed to gas Lang. Knuckles proceeded to then score back to back knockdowns with deadly uppercuts. The ref decided he had seen enough despite Lang feeling he could have continued. You have to commend the determination from him, but it was a good stoppage. Knuckles now has his eyes set for HFA 5 where he will face off against 4-0 Damien Frey. Frey shares a similar resume to Knuckles, boasting an impressive 4 first round finishes, including a, HFA record, 5 second finish from HFA 2. Very much looking forward to the clash of the two titans.

Best Moment: Knuckles cracks Lang with a nasty uppercut that draws ooohs from the crowd and sends Lang tumbling backwards onto the mat. He tries to recover but Knuckles pounces and lands a hail of unanswered strikes that forces the referee to step in to end the fight! Lang is not happy but he gave the referee no choice!


Soo Young Yoo Def. Mitsubasa Midoriya via Submission(Guillotine) RD 1 2:36 - Bantamweight Bout

For our co-main event, "Yoo-Jitsu" returned after his decision victory from the 205lb tournament card, going up against HFA debutant, Mitsubasa "Deku" Midoriya. The fight started with some back and forth strikes before making it's way into the clinch, and Yoo moving round to his opponent's back and SUPLEXING him clear over his head, slamming him to the mat that drew some oohs from the crowd. Midoriya managed to put up a fight on the ground and throw some sub attempts out, as well as reversing the position to get on top, giving Yoo full guard. From there, Yoo took advantage of his position and set up a triangle which Midoriya defended by getting in close. Yoo then seized that opportunity to instead switch his attempt to a guillotine ! "Deku" couldn't defend it this time and was forced to tap. Intelligent work from Yoo ! He now has 2 victories in HFA and is becoming a strong 135 contender. Miles Silva steps up to the plate to fight Yoo next at HFA Fight Night 1. As for Midoriya, he will look to get his career back on track when he takes on Milk Armstrong at HFA 5.

Best Moment: Yoo has moved round to his opponent's back and is looking for a suplex! Oh snap! He's tossed Midoriya clear over his head and slammed him to the mat!


Toe Licker Def. Eric Thompson via KO(Superman Punch) RD 1 0:37 - Lightweight Bout


Licker vs Thompson was a one man show with Licker impressing and earning himself a deserved bonus. He started the fight with a flush shot to the stomach of Thompson followed by a nice right hand that stumbled Thompson and forced him back to recompose himself. Licker gave him no time to breathe, throwing out a combo to wobble Thompson and knock him down. After waving him back to his feet, Licker rushed ahead to put the fight to bed quickly, knocking Thompson out cold with a SUPERMAN PUNCH. In the post fight interview, Licker showed he was hungry for the belt, calling for a title shot. With a performance like this and now 2 bonuses, that shot is drawing near. Toe Licker vs Cody Shelton will be up next and that is shaping up to be a stunning fight. Will Shelton stop the hype train ?

Best Moment: Licker fakes the leg kick and throws a superman punch. It's knocked Thompson out cold! Brutal finish!


Bingo Fat Def. Devyn Kramer via Unanimous Decision(30:25x2,30:26) - Featherweight Bout

This one was an interesting fight. Kramer spent a majority of this fight dodging punches and diving for takedowns. He got the fight to the ground twice and wasn't able to do anything with it as he is a boxer. I'm sure this was a miscommunication between him and his team or maybe they knew something we didn't or perhaps an undisclosed injury happened during training. Fat threw 137 strikes, landing 19, and all in all, this ended up being a clean sweep for Fat, confidently winning all rounds being the only one really throwing. Bingo Fat can be happy with his victory and Devyn Kramer will return at HFA 7 against Eddie "Motor Mouth" Montaigne where I am confident we will see a different version of him come fight night.

Best Moment: Fat fakes and then throws a beautiful body shot. Kramer looks a bit winded and takes a step backwards to take a breath.


JJ King Def. Gabby Peachey via TKO(Strikes) RD 1 4:42 - Bantmanweight Bout

This matchup had two grapplers, and King got this one onto the ground by pulling guard. Both men landed ground and pound and traded reversals. After JJ King postured up in a solid position, however, he was able to drop some bombs onto Peachey that got the refs attention. With Peachey in trouble, the ref asked him to improve his position while JJ King hailed down strikes, and when he was unable to do so, the ref stopped the fight giving JJ King the TKO win. King moves on to 2-0 and will see Duck Silva next. Gabby "Firefly" Peachey is awaiting his next matchup. An unfortunate loss for him, hopefully we will see him come back strong. 

Best Moment: Peachey is looking to advance position but King has hit a scissor sweep - now he's on top in mount!


Mickey Valentino Def. Marcus Aurelius via KO(Punch) RD 2 0:47 - Welterweight Bout

Up next, we had two debuts. Both fighters looking to test themselves in the cage and see how they fare. The first round went in Aurelius' favor with some back and forth on the feet and then most of it being spent on the ground. The 2nd round started with some more back and forth on the feet. A crisp jab actually wobbled Aurelius and a lapse of concentration led to a massive hook and knockout win for Mickey Valentino early in the 2nd. Valentino should be very happy with that one.

Best Moment: Boom, another hit is landed. "You're gunna get knocked out" taunts Valentino, as that shot connected.


Jax Jacobsen Def. via Salvador Sanchez KO(Punch) RD 1 1:58 - Heavyweight Bout

After a triumphant win at HFA 1 via submission, Jax Jacobsen showed off his standup this time around with an impressive and accurate offense, and also a smooth defensive showing. Sanchez was unable to land on Jax, being stung with multiple counter shots. A powerful cross from Jacobsen ended up sealing the deal, leaving a solid walk off KO for the fans. We will see "The Last Jester" return at HFA 6 vs Danko Jones.

Best Moment: Oooooh!!! Jacobsen has knocked Sanchez down with a huge combo! Jacobsen steps away and waves a wobbly Sanchez back to his feet! This one might not go much longer!

Amber Jack Def. Kenes Tetushkin via KO(Punch) RD 1 2:11 - Bantamweight Bout

Boxer, Amber Jack went up against the well rounded Kenes Tetushkin. I've heard some call Tetushkin's style "well rounded", and some say it's a "jack of all trades, master of none." I guess it can depend on the fighter and/or the matchups. Either way you want to put it, Amber Jack dominated this fight. After two minutes of Jack throwing, an overhand right was what turned the lights off. Jack can be pleased with a nice KO and is set up to face William Freeman at HFA 8.

Best Moment: Jack cracks Tetushkin with a hook to the jaw. Both fighters smile at each other and high-five before getting back down to business. :)


Aziz Noor Def. Billy Johnson via KO(Head Kick) RD 1 0:48 - Heavyweight Bout

Next up, Aziz Noor made his return against Billy "The Kid" Johnson in hopes of redeeming his debut loss. "The Sudanese Giant", managed to showcase his skilled kicks landing 6/6. The final kick was quick to the head, knocking Johnson out cold. Noor managed to get his big ass up onto the cage to celebrate with the crowd. You love to see it. Well done.

Best Moment: Noor throws a quick head kick that knocks Johnson silly! This fight is all over! What a finish! Noor is up on the cage, taking in the applause from the crowd.


Mikhail Borta Def. Doug Madison via Submission (Triangle) RD 1 0:23 - Middleweight Bout


Opening up HFA 3, we had a fight expected to stay and, more likely than not, end on the feet; however, Doug Madison thought that he was a wrestler today. He shot for the takedown immediately against the superior grappler, and guess what ? He got submitted in 23 seconds. Borta was going to take that all day, and he did that with a smile on his face. Borta is also a great boxer, but hasn't really been able to showcase that so far in his career. We will see him return at HFA Fight Night 1 with his dance partner, Jurgen "The Trapper" Van Damme, making his HFA debut. As for Doug Madison, he stepped up to the mic, saying "Piss off."

Best Moment: Madison is trying to tuck his arms in to keep them safe but Borta has managed to isolate one of them and has got a loose triangle. Madison is looking to defend but Borta has done well to lock his legs together - this could be big trouble for Madison! Borta pulls down on the head and a little smile comes across his face - he knows he's got it. Yep, Madison taps out and this one is all over!


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