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Kilo’s Son Lands Vicious KO

Fighter profile of Beluga Maluga by Sixty Nine

 Days after Beluga Maluga's MMA debut at FTF 1, Kilo's Kiribati mansion was swarmed with the press. "Is he really your son?" They asked. "Who the hell are you talking about." He responded. Kilo has always denied his children's existence, legitimate or not. In fact, 3 of his baby mama's are putting together a lawsuit against him. But maybe Beluga Malaga will be different. 

Maluga's MMA career wasn't going great through 4 fights though, as his first two he dominated a bum, Zechariah Rowland. Both were KO's in round 2. Maluga was feeling good, so he signed a contract with ENIGMA. Although he swears he has been working on his takedown defense, his first two fights were decided by submission, and anyone who knows the Maluga's will know that Beluga didn't win those ones. His second fight, he improved, getting two knockdowns before he was submitted. Critics argued that he should have finished the job. After that fight, Beluga held a press conference, which was more like a letter to his dad. "Papa, I disappointed you tonight. I may never be as good as you were. Still, I will fight and improve, and someday I hope to be worthy of your approval. Or at the very least acknowledgment that I exist." 

Maluga was booked again, this time against a heavy handed kickboxer named Chunk Norris. Maluga trained harder than ever before the fight, hoping to earn his last name. The bell sounded. 30 seconds later, Maluga was on the ground. Norris had landed some brutal head kicks, knocking down Beluga twice. He was rocked. It looked like it was over. But Maluga got up. A trait, that must have been inherited from his father, he claimed after the fight. The momentum turned. Maluga landed three nice punches in a row. Norris kept landing head kicks, but Maluga just shrugged them off. He just walked towards Norris, punching him and shaking off the kicks. And then...

Maluga lunges in with a left hook that violently twists Norris head around and knocks him out cold! Maluga hops onto the cage and yells out at the top of his lungs - Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah! They're showing the replay on the big screens now; that was nasty! I hope one of the photographers got a good shot of it. 

Maluga broke Norris' neck. He was rushed to the hospital, but sadly, he didn't make it. After the fight, a large figure with sunglasses on showed up to Kilo's house. He knocked on the door and was greeted by the butler. He told him to ask Kilo something. "Did you watch my fight." The butler went to deliver the message, but when he came back, he wasn't alone. Kilo Maluga was standing with him. "Of course I did, son." He said gruffly. Then he slammed the door, and Beluga walked away grinning from ear to ear.


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