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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Scared to get in the Ring?

Editorial by Xavier Schmidt

 The lights are blinding. The noise of the crowd feels like a distant roar, but you can still hear your heart pounding in your chest. You stand at the edge of the MMA ring, and it hits you—this is real. It’s not just the physical fight you’re about to face, it’s the mental battle within. The fear is suffocating.

You’ve trained for this, spent hours sharpening your skills, pushing your body to its limits. But nothing could fully prepare you for this moment. Fear creeps in, asking the questions you’ve tried to avoid. What if you’re not ready? What if you freeze? What if you fail? You glance at your opponent across the cage, who looks calm and confident. Do they feel this fear too, or have they mastered it?

The truth is, no matter how hard you train, stepping into the ring is terrifying. It’s not just about the punches you’ll take or the kicks you’ll have to dodge—it’s the vulnerability. The fear of making a mistake, of letting everyone down, of being less than you thought you were.

But here you are, adrenaline rushing through your veins. The fear is loud, but you realize it doesn’t have to control you. Fear means you care. Fear means this moment matters. And instead of running from it, you decide to lean into it.

You take that first step into the cage, knowing that the only way to truly conquer the fear is to face it head-on. You don’t know what’s going to happen next, but you’re ready to find out.


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